Quantcast Spider-Man: Web of Shadows on the Nintendo Wii currently on sale for $14.70 Best Deals Reviews Freebies Coupons - MightyBuying.com

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows on the Nintendo Wii currently on sale for $14.70

Amazon.com is selling Spider-Man: Web of Shadows for only $14.70. This game usually retails for around $20-$25 dollars. It's rated at 4 stars overall. While most of the Spider-Man video games to date have relied on following the movie story line. Anyone who has played video games based on movies before know the usual pitfalls that happen when trying to stick to a script. This is the first major Spider-man title to do away with the movie plots. The greater freedom has led to two prevailing opinions: Fantastic! This should have been done a long time ago or Wait? Why did they change what was already in place. Where you learn on movie video games sticking to the storyline is probably where you'll fall in terms of enjoying this game.

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