Quantcast The Office: Seasons 1-5 for $88.99 shipped [works out to about 75 cents an episode.] Best Deals Reviews Freebies Coupons - MightyBuying.com

The Office: Seasons 1-5 for $88.99 shipped [works out to about 75 cents an episode.]

Amazon.com has discounted the season set of The Office: Seasons 1-5 now for $89.99 shipped. This set has sold for as high as $200 at its earliest release. The Office is a mock-a-mentry styled comedy. The concept for the show was first developed by the BBC with a British version of the show for two seasons. The British version is often considered darker in terms of its humor, and wasn't as "smashing" a success - pun intended. The American version however has been incredibly successful, and considered by many to be the best corporate comedy of all time. Lastly with this set expect plenty of deleted scenes and bonus features.

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