Quantcast Get the newest US Version 6" Amazon Kindle for $219.99 shipped. That's a $40 discount from its regular price. Best Deals Reviews Freebies Coupons - MightyBuying.com

Get the newest US Version 6" Amazon Kindle for $219.99 shipped. That's a $40 discount from its regular price.

Amazon.com is selling the 6" Amazon Kindle - US Version at a $40 discount [$219.99] if you are willing to buy the refurb version. The refurbished version has the exact same warrenty you'll find on Amazon's non refurbished model. We recently listed a discount on the 9'7 inch model, however that has now sold out. If you are unfamilair with the Kindle itself we have reviewed Kindle in depth and you can read about it here: http://www.mightybuying.com/2009/09/our-amazon-kindle-review.html

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