Quantcast Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for PS3 on sale for $40. Best Deals Reviews Freebies Coupons - MightyBuying.com

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for PS3 on sale for $40.

Amazon.com is selling what many argue is the best game of the PS3 system to date Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for $40.00 with free shipping. The reviews for this game are already over 100 on the site and it averages a score of 5 stars. Review after review speak about being "speechless" in awe of this video game. If you have or know someone with a PS3, this is one of those games that you could strongly consider as a gift for yourself or a friend. After you beat the game you can also take advantage of free online play vs other players worldwide.

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